Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Gratitude, A to Z

A: I am grateful for my animals.
B: I am grateful for my two wonderful brothers.
C: I am grateful for my cars - they're dependable.
D: I am grateful for my sensitive, loving dad.
E: I am grateful for ears with which to hear beautiful music.
F: I am grateful for all of my family.
G: I am grateful for my dear grandparents, now in their 90's.
H: I am grateful that hope is still alive.
I: I am grateful for my fantastic, generous inlaws.
J: I am grateful for my job.
K: I am grateful for the kindness of others.
L: I am grateful for Los Cabos, my favorite place to visit.
M: I am grateful for my beautiful, talented mom.
N: I am grateful for my precious niece and nephew.
O: I am grateful for oatmeal. I love it in the mornings.
P: I am grateful for pals who love me.
Q: I am grateful for quiet moments in my day.
R: I am grateful for retirement accounts -- I just hope they're still there when I need them!
S: I am grateful for my sister-in-law.
T: I am grateful for the trust that I have in my husband.
U: I am grateful for an umbrella when it's raining.
V: I am grateful for a hardworking vacuum cleaner.
W: I am grateful for wellness.
X: I am grateful for x-husbands, who make me appreciate what I have in my life now.
Y: I am grateful for each new year -- another chance to start again.
Z: I am grateful for Zen moments of peace and enlightenment that occasionally manage to find me.

How about you -- care to share?


  1. this is really cute :)i'm grateful for the ability and the chance to be grateful for things in my life :)

  2. I'm gonna try this, but think I'll probably get stuck!

    A - Grateful for AUTUMN - my niece AND the season!

    B - Grateful for all the BAKERS in this world since I don't!

    C - Grateful for CALA and COOL, COLORFUL, COLORADO!

    D - Grateful for DARK CHOCOLATE!

    E - Grateful for EVENING - my favorite time of the day!

    F - Grateful for God's FAITHFULNESS to me!

    G - Grateful for GUINNESS (not the beer, but the DOG!)

    H - Grateful for my HOME!

    I - Grateful for INDEPENDENCE!

    J - Grateful for JOHN (MOST DAYS!)

    K - Grateful for KILLER SHOES I just got!

    L - Grateful for good LISTENERS!

    M - Grateful for MONEY!

    N - Grateful for my NIECES and NEPHEW!

    O - Stuck!

    P - Grateful for Pirhana's Killer Sushi - a good sushi place in Tarrant County - who knew?! I know - you're freakin' - not only FISH, but RAW FISH at that!


    R - Grateful for RELAXATION!

    S - Grateful for SISTERS!

    T - Grateful for TAKING TIME OFF!

    U - Grateful for UNSELFISHNESS

    V - Grateful that we have VICTORY over any obstacles in our lives through God!

    W - Grateful for WORKING (bitch and gripe about it, but yeah - I'm grateful!)

    X - Stuck!

    Y - Grateful for YAKKIN' on the phone with my sister!

    Z - Grateful for the ZAPARA'S

  3. What a great grateful post! :) I like this very much and thank you for sharing of yourself with us. xxoo

  4. Such wonderful things to be thankful for.

  5. Amen. Wonderful things to think on and remember. Blessings are sometimes hidden in the most simple things.

    Merry Christmas and may you always be blessed.

  6. Jen,

    I am thankful for wonderful friends like you.

    Merry Merry Christmas to you.

    Love Melissa

  7. Wonderful scribe Jen...
    Haven't seen you lately????

  8. HI Jen,
    I'm visiting the blogs of people who follow mine. I see you haven't posted for awhile. I hope things are going OK for you. This is a nice list of things to be grateful for.

    God's blessings for the new year,

  9. JEN,

    There is no such comment box in your latest and very sad post. so here I am coming to cheer you up with an award...

    Please check in my blog when you are ready...


OK, spill it!